Society for Chemical Hazard Communication

 Professional Development Training

Asia-Pacific SDS and Labelling Essentials (1-day)

View Brochure — Available September 23, 2024

Course Description and Objective

This course is designed to present an overview of the hazard communication regulations in the Asia Pacific region. Coverage includes the following countries: China, China Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, and New Zealand. Emphasis will be placed on the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and labelling requirements but relevant pending changes in non-hazard communication areas will be covered briefly.

For each of the 12 regions, you will learn:

  • The applicable regulatory framework;
  • The location and applicability of relevant standards and/or guidelines pertaining to hazard communication;
  • Classification scheme (including unique criteria or establishment of list-based classification);
  • Overview of Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and Labelling requirements; and
  • Confidentiality provisions

This is an advanced course. While there are no specific prerequisites for this course, it is recommended that participants possess a working knowledge of SDS and labels, and an understanding of the principles of hazard communication and chemical control regulations, including a basic understanding of GHS.

Intended Audience

This course is intended for experienced hazard communication professionals looking to broaden the scope of their expertise in Asia-Pacific hazard communication regulations.

Course Fee:          $475.00 Members     //     $610.00 Non-members
Reduced rates are available for students and retirees.  Interested people may contact SCHC for more information.


Course Director / Instructor

Robert Kiefer

Robert Kiefer is the General Manager of REACH24H USA Inc., located in Washington, DC where he has been for the past ten years. REACH24H USA is a subsidiary of REACH24H Consulting Group, a global regulatory consulting company headquartered in Hangzhou, China with offices in Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Ireland, UK, and USA.

Robert’s career spans more than thirty years in Washington, DC working for two major trade associations in the chemical and formulated products industries. Prior to joining REACH24H, Robert served as Director of Regulatory & Technical Affairs for the American Chemistry Council (ACC), and before that with the Consumer Specialty Products Association (now HCPA) where he served as Director of Scientific & International Affairs. He has extensive regulatory advocacy experience in domestic and global chemical control regulations, trade policy, hazard communication, consumer products and pesticides. Robert earned a BS in Biology from James Madison University.

Course Instructor  

Kalin Wen

Kalin Wen is a Regulatory Business Consultant from the Industrial Chemicals Division of REACH24H Consulting Group. She is responsible for global GHS regulation tracking, and management consulting of hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods. In addition, she is also in charge of China's product access regulations and EHS regulation management. Mastering the key points of GHS compliance in multiple countries, she also has extensive experience in responding to global chemical regulations, with an in-depth understanding of the registration process and the latest regulatory information, she is providing consulting services to global companies with various projects.  Kalin studied at Yichun University.


Course Topics and Schedule
(subject to change)

Monday, September 23, 2024

7:30-8:00 Registration / Continental Breakfast
8:00-8:30 Introduction and Resources

UN GHS Overview


10:00-10:30 Break
10:30-12:00 China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea
12:00-1:00 Lunch (buffet lunch provided)
1:00-3:00 ASEAN - Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand Vietnam
3:00-3:30 Break
3:30-5:00 Australia, New Zealand


Refer to brochure for Registration information, Cancellation Policy, Hotel Accommodation.