Society for Chemical Hazard Communication

 Professional Development Training

Immunotoxicology (Sensitization) (0.5-day)

PDF Brochure — Course Offering: Spring 2016


The Advanced Topics in EHS series of courses are designed to expand on topics that are introduced in the basic SCHC courses. The topic of immunotoxicology is introduced in the course Toxicology for Hazard Communication.

The goal of this course is to provide participants with a detailed understanding of immunotoxicology (with a significant focus on hypersensitivity or sensitization).  Emphasis is placed on an understanding of the basic science of this topic and an introduction to the technical skills and background necessary to develop, evaluate, and apply hazard determinations, hazard classifications, and risk assessments involving immunotoxic chemicals or mixtures.

This is an advanced course. While there are no formal prerequisites for this course, it is strongly recommended that participants have a working knowledge of MSDS and labels and that they have either taken the SCHC course, Toxicology for Hazard Communication, or that they be comfortable with the basic concepts of toxicology.

Intended Audience:

Hazard communication professionals looking to expand their knowledge of target organ toxicity.

Course Director / Instructor

Robert Skoglund, Ph.D., DABT, CIH

Dr. Skoglund is the Director of Product Safety and Regulatory Affairs at Covestro LLC.  His responsibilities include product EHS and stewardship, including hazard communication, for North America.


Course Instructor

Hillary Carpenter, Ph.D.

Dr. Carpenter is retired from being a Toxicologist at the Minnesota Department of Health in St. Paul, Minnesota. His primary responsibilities included the conducting human health and ecological risk assessments.  In addition he was involved with the development of health-based toxicity values for environmental contaminants such as industrial chemicals, pesticides and metals.  Dr. Carpenter also provided toxicological support for the Minnesota Fish Consumption Advisory Program.


Course Instructor

Robert Roy, Ph.D., DABT

Dr. Roy is a Lead Toxicology Specialist at 3M in St. Paul, Minnesota. His primary responsibilities include assessing the human health hazards and safety of products and other materials for several 3M business units. In addition, he leads the development of the 3M Occupational Exposure Guidelines; and plays a leadership role for California Proposition 65 compliance, consumer product labels, and hazard determination, hazard communication, and human risk assessment issues.


Course Fee

$250.00 - Members
$340.00 - Nonmembers

Course Topics and Schedule

(subject to change)

Monday, April 18, 2016

12:30-1:00 Registration

Overview of the Immune System

2:10-2:25 Break
2:25-3:35 Dermal Sensitization and Industrial Chemicals
Respiratory Sensitization and Industrial Chemicals
3:35-3:50 Break
3:50-5:00 Immunotoxicology Testing Methods
Regulatory Aspects of Immunotoxicology


Refer to brochure for registration, cancellation, hotel information.