Society for Chemical Hazard Communication

 Professional Development Training

 Ecotoxicology for Hazard Communication

PDF Brochure — Spring 2017

Course Description and Objectives

This course is designed to provide an introduction to the principles of ecotoxicology as they pertain to hazard communication. Emphasis will be placed on an understanding of how chemicals impact the environment, the transport and fate of chemicals within the ecosystem, and how environmental hazards and risk are assessed and communicated.

The goals of this course are to provide participants an understanding of how chemicals interact with the ecosystem to produce adverse ecological effects and to introduce them to the tools necessary to identify chemicals that can cause adverse ecological effects that are relevant to hazard communication.

This is considered to be a basic course and there are no prerequisites.  However, it is recommended that participants have either taken the SCHC course, Toxicology for Hazard Communication, or that they be comfortable with the basic principles of toxicology.

Intended Audience

Hazard communication professionals looking to broaden their understanding of ecotoxicology and to sharpen their hazard determination and risk assessment skills.

Course Director/Instructor


Robert Skoglund, Ph.D., DABT, CIH

Dr. Skoglund is the Director of Product Safety and Regulatory Affairs at Covestro LLC.  His responsibilities include compliance, safety, and stewardship, including hazard communication.


Course Instructor


Scott Strand

Scott Strand is a Senior Information Specialist at the 3M Company.  His primary responsibilities include the development, maintenance and enhancement of IT systems and business processes for chemical data management and hazard communication.  In addition he has over 20 years of experience in the assessment, classification, and communication of chemical hazards and risks.



Course Fee

$450.00 for members
$540.00 for non-members

Course Topics and Schedule (Subject to Change)

Sunday, March 27, 2017

7:30-8:00 Registration / Continental Breakfast
8:00-9:10 Introduction
Overview of Ecotoxicology
9:10-9:25 Break
9:25-10:35 Quantifying and Measuring Ecological Effects
10:35-10:50 Break
10:50-12:00 Transport and Fate of Chemicals in the Environment
Data Sources and Quality
12:00-1:00 Lunch (buffet lunch provided)
1:00-2:10 Classification & Communication of Environmental Hazards
2:10-2:25 Break
2:25-3:35 Safety Data Sheets and Labels
Ecological and Environmental Risk Assessments
3:35-3:50 Break



 See brochure for Registration information, Cancellation Policy, Hotel Accommodation.