Professional Development Recognition Awards

Professional Development committee page

The SCHC Professional Development committee recognizes students who have accumulated 40 or more hours of SCHC professional development training and instructors and/or course directors who have contributed to 15 or more SCHC courses.

At the annual meetings, participants who have accumulated 40, 80, 120, 160, 200, 240, and 280 hours and instructors and/or course directors who have contributed to 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 100, 125, 150, and 175 courses are recognized.

Listed below are the names of those who have received recognition for participation in SCHC professional development training. Listed in parentheses next to the names is the year in which the recognition was made. The lists below represent participation through August 2024.  The 2024 recipients were recognized at the meeting in October 2024.


Instructor / Director

280 Hours

Kirsten Alcock (2023)
Helen Hatch (2023)

240 Hours

Michelle Baker (2018)
Kimberly O. Nelson (2019)

200 Hours

Jayne Clifton (2013)
Ronald Cook (2016)
David W. Peters (2019) 
Ghislain Rompre (2023)
Melody Russo (2017)
Diana Saucedo (2024)

160 Hours

Ronald Baldwin (2012)
Susan Erb (2016)
Scott Fleming (2016)
Kim Franklin (2015)
Toni-Ann McLean (2017)
Tricia Meadows (2013)
Angela D. Rath (2010)
Liliana Ramirez (2023)
James G. Ross (2008)
Aubrey Sherif (2019)
Charles Sokol (2008)
Jing Sun (2023)
Gary Wilkinson (2013)

120 Hours

Theodore Amet (2023)
Scott Amoroso (2007)
Martha Artis (2023)
Troy Azzivitto (2016)
Ebenezer Bamiro (2014)
Nasser Bekheet (2017)
Amy L. Breedlove (2006)
Jeffrey Buczynski (2024)
Ronald Cepa (2015)
Paul Cronin (2023)
Alicia Currie (2012)
Ray Daly (2023)
Kevin Drews (2011)
Robert E. Dwan (2019)
Samuel East (2019)
Jackie Foster (2019)
Vergine Furniss (2016)
Steven P. Givens (2015)
Katrina Gordon Beam (2019)
Tracy H. Graham (2019)
Todd M. Hertzog (2015)
Glenn House (2018)
James L. Jung (2005)
Abbey Klugerman (2013)
Janice Konigsford (2023)
Terrae Moss (2015)
Donna Newhouse (2017)
Lisa Parola (2023)
Jacqueline Ramirez Munoz (2024)
Darcy Ramisch (2012)
Paula Reavis (2024)
Ann Marie Savini (2009)
Kimberley A. Seth (2015)
Carol Sheehan (2016)
Gary Strassell (2017)
Ann Strong (2004)
Barbara Switzer (2015)
Cheryl An Sykora (2023)
Janalee J. Veselica (2007)
Garnett Whitehurst (2015)

80 Hours

Janet Anderson (2019)
Matthew Austin (2023)
Amanda Berry (2023)
Anita Boldt (2006)
Lizette Bonvin (2003)
Tracy Branch (2004)
Sharen B. Breyer (2006)
Stephanie A. Brockenbrough (2019)
Rebecca Brooks (2013)
David Burrell (2023)
Sabrina Caldwell (2006)
Marissa L. Cartwright (2019)
Roberto Ceron (2018)
Wendy Chew (2010)
Timothy W. Childs (2007)
Cecily Chiles (2017)
Margaret E. Coon (2000)
Wanda Copeland-Smith (2012)
Robert Crawford (2007)
Catherine M. Croke (2006)
Dale R. Damazo (2006)
Sharalyn Daniel (2013)
David Dean (2011)
Denese A. Deeds (2004)
Melisa Delaney (2012)
Barbara Dortch (2015)
Darcy Evans (2024)
Pat Finley (2014)
Dan Flaherty (2002)
Anne Fout (2016)
Joanne Galvan (2007)
Annie L. Gariepy (2004)
Chandra Gioiello (2011)
John Grabowski Jr. (2007)
Angenette R. Grant (2003)
Patricia Green (2012)
Safiya Akua Hamit (2014)
Jennifer Handlin (2023)
Cheryl S. Hawthorne (2013)
Eri Hirumi (2005)
David R. Huff (2001)
Deirdre Hughes (2019)
Naser Hussaini (2016)
Jocelyn Jensen (2023)
Timothy L. Joyner (2019)
Lauren E. Kamer (2002)
Jinie Kang (2019)
Inez Kasimba (2024)
John Kasper (2011)
Nicole Kendrick (2023)
Dustin Kern (2023)
Valerie Kirby (2012)
Ryan Knoblauch (2015)
David A. Konkol (2019)
Elizabeth Levi (2009)
Mary Lim (2024)
Bernadette Lindquist (2014)
Jove Longsworth (2017)
Robert Warren Lucy (2007)
Isabell H. Lynch (2008)
Suzanne Matuszewski (2013)
Steven K. McDaniel (2010)
Mike McDowell (2013)
James H. Merrifield (2015)
Robert Miller (2013)
Kathy Morrow (2006)
Walt Neyers (2008)
Erin O'Connell-Lunsford (2016)
Karen R. Odom (2004)
Lori Parker (2013)
Donald R. Paulus (2008)
Gary Pierson (2007)
Edward J. Pilcicki (2002)
Kisha Pippins (2008)
Carol Poppo (2023)
Anjali Prasad (2023)
Tammatha Pruett (2017)
Rhonda Qian (2018)
Jacqueline Ramirez (2014)
Alvin Revell (2023)
Janelly Ricardo (2016)
Jasjit Sarang (2023)
Kay Selby (2015)
Nicole L. Shoshenskiy (2015)
Eldon Smith (2023)
Suzanne Snajdr (2023)
David B. Snyder (2010)
Hesham Soliman (2015)
Kathryn A. Soukhanov (2007)
Joann Speca (2011)
Sue Steinhauer Gray (2004)
Anita Stelly (2023)
LaToya Strickland (2017)
Gulan Sun (2024)
Wayne Thome (2019)
Jennifer Trippetti (2024)
Mary-Ellen Tucker (2008)
Susan Van Volkenburg (2015)
Shrirupa Vyas (2023)
Marie-Elise Wauters (2017)
David Weissman (2017)
Ronald Weslosky (2023)
Nathan Williams (2024)
Stephanie A. Williams (2019)
Qirong Wu (2018)
Huiwen (Heather) Yang (2015)

40 Hours

442 People have been recognized 
for 40 hours of training.


175 Courses
Robert Skoglund (2019)

125 Courses
Robert R. Roy (2024)

45 Courses
Hillary M. Carpenter, III (2015)
Catherine F. Jacobson (2019)

30 Courses
Paul Brigandi (2019)
Denese Deeds (2017)
Albert Ignatowski (2008)
Michael Reale (2014)
Michele R. Sullivan (2014)

15 Courses
David B. Chandler (2005)
Pamela Kreis (2011)
Daniel Levine (2012)
Scott Strand (2024)
Ann Thompson (2013)